Sunday, July 8, 2007

Of Cows and Muttons

Beautiful sunny evening. After your vegetable shopping, you go to Gangothri, the Gujarati snack shop at the bus stand nearby, and order quarter kilo fresh jalebis. While the jalebis are getting fried, you sit and watch people, your favorite pasttime.

And then this man comes with a cart piled with loads of soppu (leaves) - palak, methi, coriander, curry leaf, mint etc. And he rolls a stone under the front wheel and stops the cart on the slight slope. And comes in wth 3 bunches of coriander. The bhelpuri-making man gives him a coin, he touches it to his forehead and puts it in his pocket, delivers the coriander, and stands there chatting and joking - probably this is a daily ritual.

And then when you get up to leave, you see the coriander man running outside like his lungi caught fire or something, shouting. You look outside - a big fat black cow is standing on the other side of the cart and happily chewing away on the soppu feast laid out for him so generously :)

Some boys walking by help him chase away the big fat cow and pick up the fallen bundles. Everyone is laughing, including the soppu man. The fat cow walks ambles away slowly chewing a nice bundle of mint leaves in its mouth, totally unfazed at being caught stealing.

On the road back home, Disco Mutton stall. And notice the arrow mark drawn the wrong way, which has been corrected.

This funny country of Thieving Cows and Disco Dancing Muttons, you So Love It.


  1. mutton shop guy need some help with his sign board! hee hee

  2. Hahahahahah!! Gosh, I know exactly what you mean! I just LOVE this country, Disco Muttons included!! :)
