Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pratchett Speak :)

"Intellectually, Ridcully maintained his position for two reasons. One was that he never, ever, changed his mind about anything. The other was that it took him several minutes to understand any new idea put to him, and this is a very valuable trait in a leader, because anything anyone is still trying to explain to you after two minutes is probably important and anything they give up after a mere minute or so is almost certainly something they shouldn't have been bothering you with in the first place."


Tortoise: "How many talking tortoises have you met?"
Brutha: "I don't know." Tortoise: "What d'you mean, you don't know?"
Brutha: "Well, they might all talk. They just might not say anything when I'm there."

Terry Pratchett

1 comment:

  1. Ah. It's time to head back to the library (the real - not the disc world one) and re-read Pratchett.

    BTW, I just loved the whole idea of "Small Gods" - if not the book itself. Gods becoming more powerful as they gather more followers - Genius!!
