Saturday, April 10, 2010

Road Song

At the big traffic signal, you stop, as usual, resigned to the long wait, this is a daily morning ritual. And then you hear someone singing, in a strange echoing voice. You look to your right, and you see this man on a bike, singing to himself, inside the closed-stereo-system of his helmet with visor.

He's completely immersed in the song, swaying - you see wires going up, probably he's listening to music, and singing with it. And he's not a young kid either, looks like an office worker. And he's singing on his way to work.

You remember that you used to sing on the bike too, a long time ago. And you try hard to sing again, searching for old familiar songs, within your own helmet-stereo. It is ages since you have heard yourself sing, who is this person you had almost lost?

And you also remember Mathias Duplessy, the French singer, who said that he used to practise Mongolian throat singing while on his motorcycle, the helmet serving as a private studio.

Road song, an antidote to Road rage? Is anyone listening?

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