Saturday, July 16, 2011

Momentary deities

I keep going back to this, as if to a holy book. On any random page, I come across answers, revelations, and wonder.

"Momentary deities" is, I believe, how the Greeks thought of words.

Cold, windy autumn night. A homeless woman on the corner talking to God, and he, as usual, having nothing to say.

The identification of what remains untouched by change has been the philosopher's task. Art and literature, on the contrary, have been delighted with the ephemeral - the smell of bread, for instance.

I heard of a mind reader who could read what a lit match feared as it entered a dark house.

'The Monster loves his Labyrinth: Notebooks', Charles Simic  

1 comment:

  1. so well put, the distinction between artist and philosopher ... thanks!
