Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Barry Time Again :)

"Everybody should have a pet. Pets give you all the love and devotion of close relatives, but you can lock them in the basement for hours at a time if they get loud or boring. The pets, I mean. 

Have you ever wondered why people have pets? Neither have I.  I suspect it's because pets are easy to talk to. I spend hours talking to my dog explaining my views on world affairs. She always listens very attentively although I'm not sure she understands me. If I could hear what she's thinking, it would probably go like this: 

ME: The situation in the Middle East certainly looks serious.
MY DOG: I wonder if he's going to give me some food.

ME: It is unfortunate that an area so vital to the economic well-being of the world is so politically unstable.
MY DOG: Maybe he'll give me some food now.

ME: The Russians certainly are making it difficult for our government to achieve a lasting Mideast peace.MY DOG: Any minute now he might go into the kitchen and get me some food.

" Page 16, 'Bad Habits' by Dave Barry

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