Friday, February 3, 2012

Remembering our wings

At the posh restaurant, families sitting at tables, silently eating their food. You look around. Not many smiles, and no laughter. No visible enjoyment of the food, of togetherness. Couples not looking at each other, but elsewhere, or staring into the plate. An entire family of 20 sitting across a long table, separated from each other, no one talking to each other. Funereal.

Is it only with friends that we truly relax, feel lighter, step out of ourselves, forget the burdens we carry, remember our wings? Does family weigh us down, remind us of all that ties us to the earth, subdue our wild free spirit?

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From a heavy metal fan friend, you learn this startling fact you never knew.

Megadeath: one million deaths —usually used as a unit in reference to nuclear warfare.

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"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."
Winston Churchill

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Some people eat their own mattresses. Like cows!

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