Sunday, April 8, 2012

Insist on Canticles

The Exultet is sung by the deacon after the Paschal Candle has been brought into the church on Easter Saturday night (evening, midnight, or before dawn.)  Sung by the light of candles.

"You are closer to glory
leaping an abyss
than upholstering a rut.
Not dawdling.
Not doubting.
Intrepid all the way
Walk toward clarity.
At every crossroad
Be prepared
to bump into wonder.
Only love prevails.
En route to disaster
insist on canticles.
Lift your ineffable
out of the mundane.
Nothing perishes;
nothing survives;
everything transforms!"

From 'Easter Exultet', by James Broughton

My favorite Easter memory, here.

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