Monday, May 21, 2012


For some reason, this recurrent nonsensical vision continues to be my idea of happiness....a simple state of being, and wellbeing......

The earth is flat. So they should keep wooden park benches all along the round edges, brown ones with green paint on the legs, and you and I, some nice warm sunny evening, will sit down and share roasted grounnuts and trade childhood stories and laugh and laugh like a bunch of crazy bandicoots, while constellations turn somersaults playfully over the glorious setting sun, and our old wounds begin to heal, powerless in the face of such wellbeing....

Monday, October 03, 2005



  1. How lovely! This is so utterly uplifting! Pardon me if this is inappropriate but I imagine I'd like to whisper this to somebody - say a patient I fear I might lose.

  2. Thanks, Rukhiya, I'm so touched! With your sensitivity, am so glad you're in the medical profession!

  3. :) To quote from AK Ramanujan's The Hindoo "The only risk is heartlessness."
    This I had read from here : If I had to chose from all the blogging world or the virtual world itself, I'd count this lady in.
