Since Now is all we really have, just curious, what is Now for you, when you came to this blog?
Now for me is dusk in a small city apartment in Bangalore, with the wind blowing in from the balcony that offers a view of a small patch of sky between buildings. Nothing beautiful, but it is the season of winds, this monsoon time, and the huge new wind chimes I recently bought, sway gently from the balcony ceiling, reverberating like a Buddhist temple gong. Music all day.
The world outside, crumbling, coming apart at the seams, renewing, rising again. Inside, as always, I live and work in this small pool of light, day and night, trying to bring order into disorder, fix things - opportunities we all get, in whatever job we do. The flower, a recent addition to bring a patch of beauty into an increasingly functional life, frantic in its pace.
The last birds call, before settling down for the night. The evenings will start getting cooler now, the seasons of flowering trees and blue skies will be here soon. (None of which, of course, is promised to me). But for now, I have temple bells and the descending night and yet another day everyone I know made it through.
What is Now for you?
what is now for me is lying on my tummy on my bed while keeping my neck curved enough to help me type this; to feel the sultriness of the day go away with that evening rain and the fan being enough to promise a good night's sleep; to look forward to the day tomorrow expectantly 'coz big grinding gears of life seem to have been put in motion finally...