Sunday, May 16, 2010

Are you okay?

A story from the Talmud, a holy book of the Jews:

"And Elijah said to Berokah, ‘These two will also share in the world to come.’
Berokah then asked them, ‘What is your occupation?’
They replied, ‘We are merrymakers. When we see a person who is downhearted, we cheer him up.’
These two were among the very select few who would inherit the Kingdom of Heaven."

We remember this when we watch 'Life is Beautiful'. When it comes to real life, what is it that prevents us from making the effort to cheer up people? Maybe the answer lies in the phrase itself - it is "effort"? Or does the I, Me, Myself motto of our times exclude reaching out ? Does our respect for other people's "personal space" cross over to indifference sometimes?

When young people in their twenties jumped to their death from high buildings on M.G. Road, what questions did their colleagues ask themselves?

Oct 14, 2003

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